Meet those who are making billions in 2020
The wealth controlled by the world’s top 10 billionaires has jumped by over $76Billion in the last year, and have even seen their wealth surge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data from Forbes Billionaire’s List show a broad cross-section of the world’s billionaires – highlighting their stratospheric wealth in the current global economic climate.
The 2020 Wealthiest Person in Every State in the United States
There are different degrees of wealth that exist, even among the richest in America.
The Billionaire COVID-19 Response List
As the global economy contends with a loss of confidence and job losses, some of the world’s richest people are stepping up to the plate. Lead by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey who is donating approximately 25% of his net worth to COVID-19 in the form of Square (NYSE: SQ) stock, valued at $1B.